Serving Whitman County since 1877

Etcetera: Dec. 13, 2018

Athenaeum club celebrates holiday with luncheon

Athenaeum Club celebrated the holiday at the Hill-Ray retirement center Friday with luncheon, and Christmas carols and generally shared good cheer. The club's yearbook committee organized the event after constructing table arrangements, handmade tree decorations and trays of chocolates.

The program included a version of "Night Before Christmas" presented by Jill Gfeller.

Pullman Farmers Market at new location

The Pullman Farmers Market will remain active in the off-season with the market at the new location, Brelsford WSU Visitor's Center, 150 E. Spring Street from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. every third Saturday of each month through April.

Apple cider, root vegetables, winter greens, preserved fruits, dried soup mixes, baked goods, handmade crafts, beauty products and other items will be offered.

Vendor applications are available at the Pullman Chamber of Commerce or upon inquiry to the market manager. Preference is given to agriculturally-focused products and handmade crafts.

For more information, please contact Amanda Argona:


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