Serving Whitman County since 1877

Timberwolves play Saturday

Tekoa/Rosalia teams will return to West Valley tournament Saturday to play loser-out games in the NE playoff. The TR boys were topped 40-65 by Davenport in Tuesday’s opening round and will play against the loser of today’s Reardan-Liberty game. Mitchell Billings hit 13 to lead TR in the first game and Garrett Naught hit 6.

Tekoa/Rosalia girls bowed 37-54 to Northwest Christian in the first round. Gwynn Razzo hit 11 to lead TR, and Jillian Bruce hit nine. They will play the loser of the today’s Colfax-Asotin game in the Saturday elimination round.

Saturday the Timberwolves were defeated by neighboring Liberty teams on the last game of the season at Rosalia.

Liberty boys posted a 68-45 win. Craig Mueller hit 21 for TR and Larry Frick hit six.

Liberty girls rolled up a 71-33 win with Maisie Burnham cooking 29 points. Razzo hit 11 for the Timberwolves and Ali Kalmes hit seven.


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