Serving Whitman County since 1877

Spartans’ Mike Day hurt in post-game fall

Mike Day was allowed same day release from Holy Family Hospital May 21 after he underwent a checkup following a fall in Spokane. Day was taken by ambulance to the north Spokane hospital after he fell in the street while departing the Colfax-Tekoa/Oakesdale/Rosalia playoff game at Jackson Field which is located behind the Shadle Park shopping center.

Day, who had been taking statistics in the Spartans’ dugout during the game, fell in the street and hit his head after a knee, which has undergone prior surgical procedures, failed. Fire and ambulance crews responded to the scene. He was checked for possible head injuries at the hosptial and fitted with a knee brace.

A relative stayed with Day at the hospital and transported him home to Rosalia that Saturday night.


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