Serving Whitman County since 1877

Store backers seek lessee for grocery


LaCrosse Community Pride is seeking donations to fund the store project and are selling engraved tiles to be on permanent display in the store. Samples of the tiles can be viewed at Bank of Whitman in LaCrosse or Colfax, Jasper Trucking, the McGregor Co. office and Startin’s Repair. Order forms are also available at these locations.

The group is currently seeking a person or family interested in leasing the building and operating a full service grocery for the community and surrounding area. For more information contact LaCrosse Community Pride at PO Box 321, LaCrosse, 99143 or Jerry Townsend, vice president of the LCP board.

The DC Kids want to remind everyone to get their Valentine roses. Roses are available by pre-order only. Contact Raeann Fleming or Stacy Aune to order or pick up order forms available at the Bank of Whitman.

The senior class will sponsor a feed at the game in LaCrosse Friday night against Tekoa/Oakesdale teams. The menu is fajitas or chicken salad.

The Tigercats Saturday will host their last home basketball game of the season in Washtucna against Rosalia teams. This will be senior night and seniors and their parents will be honored before the games.

Whitman County School Retirees Association has a scholarship available to graduates of a county public school who have successfully completed their freshman college year in the field of education. Contact Ms. Titus for more information.


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