Serving Whitman County since 1877

Evans duo takes trip though Western states


Bill and Della Evans returned home Sept. 20 from a road trip through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and South Dakota. Their travels were on the roads less traveled, and they enjoyed the many beautiful scenes found in those areas.

Della spent four days at a writers’ retreat with Linda Hasselstrom at Hermosa, S.D. Hasselstrom is a published author who accepts other writers at her ranch and gives advice on each person’s writing project.

While Della was occupied, Bill went to Pierre, S. D., where he had a full day with Dr. Glen Beck touring the Dakota Lakes Research Center.

Carla Danielson traveled to Vancouver, where she spent Sept. 14-17 at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Tim and Erin Mock. Carla stayed with their daughters, Ali, Jill and Kate, while Tim and Erin took a trip down the Oregon Coast.


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