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Appels attend Sheep Producers Meeting

Over Veterans Day weekend, Harm and Jan Smith joined Bobbie and Larry Morgan, Jason and Gina Morgan and Micah, all of Yakima, in Portland to celebrate Micah’s 12th birthday. All attended the Trailblazers basketball game and joined Micah in cheering for the Trailblazers, who won in overtime.

Dick and Helen Appel attended the Washington State Sheep Producers meeting in Vancouver, Wash. Helen is president of the Wool Growers Auxiliary, and Dick is on the board, representing District Six.

On the way to the meeting, they visited their daughter, Deb Stavig, and family. The Appels returned home by way of Olympia and their other daughter Barb Wollstein. They all traveled to Ocean Shores where the Wollsteins have a home. Dick, Barb and Bruce went clam digging and had their limit in 15 minutes.

The Dusty B.B. Club met last week Wednesday in the parish hall at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in LaCrosse to make baby blankets for the free clinic at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane. It was a condensed version this month with a shortened work day and four members in attendance. Eleven blankets were made.

The next meeting will be at 9 a.m. Dec. 12 in parish hall at St. Patrick’s to decorate for the annual B.B. Club Christmas party. Hostess will be Karen Broeckel. Roll call is to bring copies of the recipe for a dish to serve at Christmas dinner.

The Christmas party will be in parish hall Dec. 13, at 6 p.m. Santa and Rudolph are scheduled to put in an appearance.

There is no meeting scheduled in January. The February meeting date has been changed from Feb. 12 to Feb. 19 to make baby blankets in parish hall at LaCrosse Catholic Church.


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