Serving Whitman County since 1877

Trivia Test: March 29, 2018

1. U.S. CITIES: Which U.S. city is popularly known as “Beantown”?

2. MUSIC: What was the best-selling music single of all time?

3. MYTHOLOGY: In Greek mythology, how many graces are there?

4. TRANSPORTATION: Which major airport is known by the three-letter code DCA?

5. TELEVISION: What are the names of the two Muppet characters that heckle the cast from their balcony seats?

6. LITERATURE: What is the first name of Agatha Christie’s detective Miss Marple?

7. PSYCHOLOGY: What is triskaidekaphobia?

8. GEOGRAPHY: What is the largest freshwater body in Africa?

9. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the strongest earthquake recorded?

10. TOYS & GAMES: What is the main ingredient of Silly Putty?


1. Boston

2. “Candle in the Wind” (1997, Elton John)

3. Three: Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia

4. Washington National Airport

5. Statler and Waldorf

6. Jane

7. Fear of the number 13

8. Lake Victoria

9. 9.5 magnitude, near Valdivia, Chile, in 1960

10. Silicone


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