Serving Whitman County since 1877

Palouse Cares plans for Colfax food drive

A Colfax door-to-door Food Drive, under the auspices of Palouse Cares, will take place Saturday, Dec. 2. Collection will occur from approximately 9 a.m. to noon. All food will then be delivered to the Colfax Food Pantry. All food donations should be non-perishable and not expired.

Specific needs are pasta sauces, chili, pork and beans, canned fruit, Cup o' Noodles and Top Ramen. Volunteers who are willing to go door-to-door, will gather at the Food Pantry at Main and Wall streets at 9 a.m. If you are not contacted for a donation, you may bring your items to the Colfax Food Pantry on Saturday until 2 p.m. or call Cathy White at 509-290-9199 for pick-up.


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