Serving Whitman County since 1877

U-POP brings the music

Ukulele Players of the Palouse provided a unique Christmas concert at the Center for the Colfax Christmas Festival. Ten members of the group played Christmas music for an hour at the Center starting at 5 p.m. after the Christmas parade.

Cookies and punch were available to those who attended the gathering which followed an afternoon visit by Santa Claus at the Center.

Members of the U-POP group who performed Saturday were Lennard Chin, Pullman; Marge Nelson, Moscow; Janice Behymer and Carol Gay, both Colfax; Connie Steiger, Moscow; Sandy Hortzheimer, Colfax; Shelly Gilmore, Moscow; Scott Hallett, Colfax; Jim Kenyon and John Matanguihan, both Pullman.

Some members of the group dined at Sol Vallarta after their concert and broke out their ukuleles for an impromptu post-concert after the meal.


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