Serving Whitman County since 1877

Juggling at the Colfax Library

When most people think of juggling they imagine clowns or birthday parties. Not juggling enthusiast, Patty Sparks. Patty teaches juggling to all ages and to anyone who wants to learn. Sparks will perform at the Colfax Library on Thursday, Oct. 16, from 3:30-4:30 p.m. and will teach kids in grades 1-6 the art and skill of juggling.

Juggling is an ancient art form practiced worldwide. It is a form of low impact exercise, both mental and physical. A study was done in Germany where non-jugglers actually grew gray matter after learning how to juggle ( “Juggling Good for the Brain”) because the right and left brain must work together.

Kids in grades 1-6 are invited to the Colfax Library from 3:30-4:30 p.m. on Oct. 16 for a fun and engaging juggling program. Jennings Elementary students may ride bus 16 with a parental note. This is a free event sponsored by the Friends of Whitman County Library. For additional information, please call 397-4366.


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