Serving Whitman County since 1877




Hurley, Carson Patrick, was born Aug. 17 at six pounds, 15 ounces, to Allison and Shane Hurley of Pullman. Paternal grandparents are Pat Hurley of Metairie, La., and Leisa Case of Colville. Maternal grandparents are Aaron and Nite Worden of Addy.

Solis, Susan Grace, was born Aug. 18 at eight pounds, eight ounces, to Joe and Tracy Solis of Colfax. Paternal grandparents are Bobbi Silverstone of Gladstone, Mich., and Don Solis of Perronville, Mich. Maternal grandparents are Joe and Jenni Quirk of Longview.

Runyon, Booklyn Ann, was born Aug. 19 at seven pounds, five ou...


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