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HS students set for ‘Meet the Artist’

Residents are invited to learn about the talented artists in our local high schools at Meet the Artist on Thursday, Feb. 7, at 7 p.m. in the Norma McGregor Room of the Colfax Library.

Illustration by Zack Conklin of Oakesdale

The event features students from six area high schools, who will speak briefly about their artwork, inspirations and aspirations. Refreshments will be served.

Among the featured students is Rachel Robinson, a senior at Colfax High School. She is a 4.0 student, plays three sports and belongs to FFA, CHS League and Honor Society. Rachel has participated in two years of high school art and enjoys drawing portraits of horses and other animals, painting with acrylics and working with clay.

Zack Conklin is a senior at Oakesdale High. Zack has been drawing since he was young. Zack has created more than 30 sketchbooks of illustrations and is currently creating a comic book series. He participated in “Summer at Cornish 2012” and has been accepted to that school where he plans to pursue animation and conceptual design.

Katryna Newman is a junior at Garfield-Palouse High School. She works in a variety of mediums, creating artwork that arouses the eye in peculiar ways.

Cassadi Bruce of Rosalia High School has been interested in art her entire life. By the age of three, she was drawing details of the human face. Nurturing her talent, Cassadi’s grandmother was the first to introduce her to different medias starting with crayons then progressing to watercolors, chalks, oil paints and textile art. Today, Cassadi’s art deals with complex themes and overlapping ideas usually reserved for much older artists.

Hannah Shepherd is a senior at St. John-Endicott High School. While she’s moved a lot throughout her life, she feels that art keeps her connected with people. Hannah creates whatever inspiration pops into her head and the results usually have a deeper meaning than viewers expect. Hannah’s dream is to pursue a career in Art Therapy so she can put her creative passion to good use.

Peyton Webber of Tekoa High School spent much of her growing years outdoors experiencing nature. This is when she first started experimenting with art, using leaves, sticks and other found materials. Today Peyton’s many passions, including her involvement with agricultural education and serving her community as an Emergency Medical Technician, are reflected through her artwork.

This program runs in conjunction with the Rural Alliance High School Art Show happening Feb. 3-14 in the Colfax Library. The exhibit will be open before and after Meet the Artist.


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