Serving Whitman County since 1877

Pullman Births

Moore, Lilyana, Ellen, was born March, 6, 2012, at nine pounds, four ounces, to Justin Moore and Anndrea Navesky of Pullman. Paternal grandparents are Dave and Candy Moore of Stillwater, Okla. Maternal grandparents are Peter and Daphne Navesky of Collinsville, Okla. This is the couple’s first child.

Larsen, Jack David, was born March 6, 2012, at seven pounds, eight ounces, to Nicholas and Amanda Larsen of Moscow, Idaho. Paternal grandparents are Jeff Larsen of Spokane and Christine King of Clarkston. Maternal grandparents are David and Jacki Riley of Moscow, Idaho. The baby joins sister Olivia...


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