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This is a hammer 11/3/11



Key Snapped Off In Door Lock

Q: A couple of days ago, I was struggling to unlock the deadbolt of the side door on my garage, which tends to stick, when the key actually snapped in half! I can’t reach the part inside the lock because it broke too far inside. I don’t want to spend a lot of money on a locksmith, either. Meantime, I can’t unlock the door. How can I fix this? Do I need to replace the entire deadbolt? — Jolanda W., Dallas

A: If you’ve already tried to retrieve the broken half of the key with needlenose pliers, a hat pin or thin wire with no success, you can try the desperate measure of dabbing a tiny amount of Superglue onto the half of the key you do have, and carefully inserting it — without touching the sides — until the broken halves meet. Let it sit for a few seconds and then carefully try to pull the entire key straight out. If this doesn’t work, you can consider purchasing a key extractor kit, but the ones that are most effective cost as much or more than a locksmith visit

A good locksmith is licensed and bonded, and should provide a written estimate of the type of work to be done and the cost. He or she should offer a couple of options once the key is extracted: either lubricating the existing lock and replacing the key, or replacing the entire deadbolt.

Because your garage deadbolt is a non-emergency, you have an advantage in that you can take your time and contact more than one locksmith for an estimate. Try to get a word-of-mouth recommendation from friends; otherwise, insist on an estimate first, and do not give any locksmith your credit-card information or other payment information ahead of the visit or before work is performed.

HOME TIP: Did moisture inside an exterior or car lock freeze in cold weather? Heat the key for a few seconds and then carefully insert to melt the ice.

Send your questions or comments to, or write This Is a Hammer, c/o King Features Weekly Service, P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853-6475.

(c) 2011 King Features Synd., Inc.


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