Serving Whitman County since 1877

Pullman births

Andrus, Christopher Jeffrey, born April 25, 2010, at seven pounds, seven ounces, to Shane and Lorena Andrus of Pullman. Grandparents are Jeff and Cindy Andrus of Lacrosse and great-grandmother is Donna Andrus, also of LaCrosse.

Dahmen, Isabelle Rose, born April 26, 2010, at seven pounds, 13 ounces, to Beckie and Bret Dahmen of Pullman. Paternal grandparents are Jeanne and Wally Dahmen, Pullman. Maternal grandparents are Jim McKee and Kathie Power, Pullman. The baby joins two brothers, Cole, 11, and Zack, 8.

Eucker, Emma Jane, born April 22, 2010, at six pounds, four ounces, to Tyson and Leah E...


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