Serving Whitman County since 1877

Outreach meeting decides officers


The LaCrosse Thrift Shop & Food Bank (Outreach) met at the LaCrosse Builders on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2013. The group is discussing how to be a resource for disasters in the community. The Thrift Shop will have a $1 bag sale beginning on Jan. 9. A customer can stuff a bag with as much as it will hold and pay only $1 plus tax.

The following officers were elected for a two year term: president, Wayne Miller; vice president, Maria Webster; secretary, Lois Olmstead and treasurer, Charlotte Honn. Wayne Miller will continue as Food Bank Manager and Charlotte Honn as the Thrift Shop Manager.

Lois and Chuck Olmstead entertained the Outreach at their home on Friday, Jan. 4. Those attending were Charlotte and Larry Honn, Leslie and Allen Thompson, Wayne and Peg Miller, Mary Bertrand, Marie Ping, Maria Webster, Pat Flerchinger, Margaret Mackleit and Terry VanAuken.


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