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4 year-old struck by truck, in recovery

GoFundMe supports medical bills

GARFIELD - A GoFundMe webpage has been set up to raise money to help the family of the four-year-old boy who was hit by a vehicle in Garfield on Saturday, May 11.

Avery Eldridge, 4, of Garfield, was reportedly riding his bike on the sidewalk when he was hit by a neighbor who was attempting to back out of his driveway.

Eldridge sustained severe, however not life-threatening, injuries, according to the Whitman County Sheriff's Office.

Reports say the rear tire of the truck ran over Eldridge's head and torso. At this time no charges have been pressed against the neighbor.

The incident is currently under investigation. Whitman County Sheriff Brett Myers reports that there was no indication that the driver was under the influence or at fault for vehicle control.

"Nothing right now indicates that it is a criminal case," he said, "It was an accident. There was no indication he was under the influence or could even see the child."

"The back of his truck rolled over him. We think the only saving grace is that the bed of the truck was what rolled over him and the fact he had a gravel driveway. We think things could have been a whole lot worse. We are using this to make sure our other children know to pay attention and wear a helmet," said his father, Anthony "Tony" Eldridge.

Eldridge was life-flighted to Sacred Heart Children's Hospital in Spokane. His family reports that following a CT scan and x-rays, it was found that Avery had sustained a fractured skull with the fracture going from the back of his head over the top to the occipital bone.

The young boy currently has a broken clavicle, elbow and lacerations on his liver and kidneys.

According to his family, when he arrived at the hospital, Eldridge also had internal bleeding in his lungs. He still has swelling across his body and face as well as discoloring, bruising, and blood-shot eyes.

"He has become more mobile and told us about pain he has now. He has been walking around and playing. He is acting like his old self again," said Anthony. "With time these injuries will heal. Hopefully, it wont be too debilitating in the future."

Eldridge's parents, Holly and Anthony "Tony" Eldridge, have been by his side since the incident while his grandparents help take care of his three other siblings.

"We are just super happy he is in good spirits and on the mend. We are hoping to take him home this weekend. He likes to be involved with everything, and he has been very tough and independent for four years old," he said.

The family has raised almost $8,000 and is nearing their goal of $10,000 to help cover hospital costs.

"I have thanked everyone individually for contributing to the GoFundMe, but I can't thank everyone else enough for the overpowering of support. It has restored my faith in humanity," he said.

To donate and help support the Eldridge family, go to

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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