Serving Whitman County since 1877

District Court Filings

Series: District Court Filings | Story 32

COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences from May 3:

Dwain Longfellow, by and through Wes Whitman County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney pursuant to a plea agreement to amend the charges of DUI to negligent driving 1st degree. The defendant operated a motor vehicle in the manner both negligent and likely to endanger person or property and exhibits the effects of having consumed alcohol or indicating liquor. Therefore the defendant is found guilty of negligent driving first degree, and is sentenced to 90 days of jail with 89 suspended and a fine of $1,000, with $500 suspended. Defendant has unsuspended jail of one day which may be converted to 8 community service which may be done out of county at defendant’s expense to be completed within 90 days. The defendant has $1,143 in fines due by March 31, 2026. Defendant may perform community service in lieu of $1,100 of fines to be credited at the rate of $17 an hour and approved in advance by the probation department and completed by Dec. 31. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency and file a copy of the assessment by May 31. Defendant must begin any recommended substance use disorder treatment within 30 days with filed proof, and attend DUI Victim Impact Panel within 1 month. Defendant may petition for early termination of probation after 12 months and after successful completion of all terms of the judgment and sentence.


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