Serving Whitman County since 1877

District Court

COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences from April 12-19:

April 12

Keilsee Leisle violated probation and had charges of driving with license suspended 2nd amended to driving while license suspended 3rd. Driving at time while license was suspended in the third degree but eligible to be restituted. Therefore the defendant has 90 days of jail, suspended for 84 days, and a waived fine. Defendant must have no violations of law, and not drive a motor vehicle without a valid license and proof of insurance. Defendant has unsupervised probation for 24 months.

Derrick Martin, was found guilty of driving while license suspended 3rd and with prejudice for the following reason pursuant to plea agreement. The court found the defendant guilty of knowing possession of an illegal controlled substance, therefore the defendant has 180 days of jail, 180 suspended. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law, and not drive a motor vehicle without a valid license and proof of insurance. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant must obtain an alcohol/drug evaluation from a Washington State-approved agency with a filed copy within 30 days and proof of timely enrollment and completion. Pursuant to 9.96.060, upon verification of SUD evaluation and six months of substantial compliance, the Court must vacate the Controlled Substance conviction. Defendant shall not possess or consume any illegal controlled substances and shall submit to random UAs at the discretion of probation or his treatment provider. The defendant was found guilty of ignition interlock violation, and therefore is sentenced to 364 days of jail, 359 unsuspended, and a waived fine. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant shall serve 5 days of jail to begin within 24 hours of any violation of probation, after he is afforded due process. Defendant shall only drive with an IID when ordered by WA DOL.

Jasmine Pannu pursuant to plea agreement amends the changes of theft 3rd degree to the amended charges of disorderly conduct. The defendant intentionally disrupts any lawful assembly or meeting of persons without lawful authority. The defendant was found guilty of disorderly conduct, therefore, the defendant is adjudged guilty and sentenced to 12 months, 60 days of jail, 59 suspended, and a fine of $500, $500 suspended. Defendant must serve a total of 1 day in jail, convertible to 12 hours community service, and fines totaling $432.37. $300 of total fines is converted to community service at the rate of $17 an hour which must be completed by September 30, with proof of completion provided to the probation department. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law. Defendant has supervised probation for 12 months, unsupervised for last 6 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed and if payment of fines is completed. Defendant must attend a theft prevention course, and begin within 45 days with filed proof of timely enrollment and completion. Restitution to be paid to Walmart and will be joint and several co-defendant. Defendant may petition for deferred sentence in December of 2023 if she has completed all requirements and a compelling need exists.

April 19

Alexa J. Ownes, comes through Wendy Lierman Whitman County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney, and pursuant to plea agreement on the charges of minor operating motor vehicle after consuming alcohol to the amended charges of minor in public place exhibiting effects of alcohol, under 21, in public alcohol, exhibiting effects of having consumed alcohol. Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 60 days of jail, 60 suspended and a fine of $500, with $250 suspended. Defendant has fines totalling $593. Defendant may perform community service in lieu of $550 of fines to be credited at the rate of $17 an hour and approved in advance by the probation department by August, 31, 2024. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions. Defendant has supervised probation for 12 months, and must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency with a filed copy by May 3. Defendant must begin any recommended/appropriate substance use disorder treatment or education within 30 days and file proof of timely enrollment and completion. Defendant must attend a DUI Victim Impact Panel within 3 months, and shall perform 12 hours of community service. Defendant must not use or possess any non-prescribed controlled substances or illegal drugs, and submit to random alcohol and drug testing. Defendant is ordered to drive with a .02 BAC or higher or any active THC in their system for the full length of probation. Defendant may petition the Court for a Deferred Sentence after 12 months if she completes all obligations and has no violations of probation. Defendant shall be granted a dollar-for-dollar credit applied to fine for any out-of-pocket expense paid toward eval, ADIS and/or VIP.

April 26

Casey Bowers comes by and through Lindsi Alcantar Whitman County Deputy Prosecuting Attorney pursuant to a plea agreement to amend the charges of driving under the influence to negligent driving, operates vehicle that is negligent and endangers or likely to endanger person or property while exhibiting signs of consuming alcohol. Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 90 days of jail, with 89 suspended, and a fine of $1,000 with $500 suspended. Defendant must serve one day in jail, with credit for no days. Defendant has unsuspended jail of 1 day that can be converted to 8 hours community service, which may be done out of county at defendant’s expense with community service to be completed within 90 days. Jail shall be arranged by the probation department and completed by defendant within 90 days. Defendant has a total of $843 in fines to be paid by March 31, 2026. Defendant may perform community service in lieu of $800 of fines to be credited at the rate of $17 an hour and approved in advance by the probation department. Community service to completed by Aug, 31. Defendant must have no criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency and file a copy of the assessment within 30 days with filed proof of timely enrollment and completion. Defendant may petition for early termination of probation after 12 months and after successful completion of all terms of the judgment and sentence.


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