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Whitman County Mission Team presentation

Highlights of March trip, and upcoming plans on agenda

COLFAX – Pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church, in Colfax, and Director of Well Child International Michael Birnbaum will be hosting a presentation about the recent March 16 to 22, 2024, mission trip to Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico.

The presentation will cover highlights from the recent trip and plans for upcoming missions to Puerto Rico and Mexico in November of 2024, and February of 2025. Pizza will be served at 6 p.m., with the presentation scheduled to begin at 6:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 7, at Plymouth Congregational Church, 321 S. Main St., Colfax.

The group has specialized in medical mission trips in the past, however Birnbaum is looking to bring in people of all backgrounds to help provide resources for more unfulfilled needs.

“It’s important when you do mission service teams that they are holistic, serving all the community’s needs, not just medical or community service. This also enables a variety of participants with a variety of skills to serve,” Birnbaum said.

Currently, anybody with medical backgrounds, such as nurses, EMTs, or any health professionals are encouraged to attend. For those not in the medical field, Birnbaum is also looking for those who can assist with community service projects like light construction, English as a second language, sewing, computer skills tutoring and more. If you are interested in joining, chances are Birnbaum can find a way to assist in the mission trip.

During the recent trip to Puerto Penasco, the mission team participants came from multiple backgrounds with a variety of skills. Community medical work was done during the trip, including home visits and a neighborhood medical clinic. In addition, several members worked on small construction projects, while others led a beginner’s sewing class.

Outside of the mission work, the team was treated to a variety of cultural experiences including local cuisine, dance lessons, sunset boat rides, local shopping and more.


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