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LaCrosse alumni opens invitation to reconnect

LACROSSE — Oregon resident Linda Sargent moved around a lot in her youth, but the year she spent making friends in LaCrosse stuck out to her the most.

In an attempt to reach out to the classes of 1971, 1971, 1972 and 1973, Largent is planning a get together at 4 p.m. May 18, at her house for those who would like to reconnect, in Damascus. Ore.

Largent only spent a year in LaCrosse, but the small town community and the friends she made while there made a lasting impact on her.

“I’ve been in 12 different schools,” Largent said, “that was one of the smallest schools I’ve ever been in, so I felt a lot closer to everybody.”

Largent is planning the event and wants to invite anyone from those classes to reconnect. “I will have it catered so nobody needs to bring anything,” she said.

“I will be looking forward to seeing everybody that can make it,” Largent said, adding that she just wants the people she spent time with in LaCrosse to know how special their friendships were to her. “I feel truly blessed by their friendship,” she said.

Largent said she just wants to put the invite out more than anything, and if anyone could make it, they can call her at (503)-793-0901, so she can make sure there is enough food to order.

“I think it would be a great time to see everyone...” Largent said, “see everyone and their families and catch up were we left off.”


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