Serving Whitman County since 1877

"Brake Big Wind"

The Whitman County Commissioners will be meeting Monday morning, April 29th, 2024.

April 30th is the day that we all associate with the payment of our property taxes.

Regrettably, our federal tax dollars are about to be used to reduce the value of our property and change life in the Palouse for the foreseeable future. Federal subsidies placed in the hands of powerful foreign interests intend to mark our beautiful skylines with obnoxious intrusions that will deface what we all love and provide no lasting benefit to those of us that live here. Big Wind is coming.

People who have no interest in our way and quality of life are mobilizing to install forty five 700 foot high monstrosities that are obsolete technology pushed to its limits.

There is no legitimate reason for the most beautiful, most productive farmland on Earth to be littered with the offal of bad policy.

There is no reason for us to sit on our hands and let this happen. Your attendance will bolster the testimony of those who will be speaking. It’s time to put the brakes on.

It’s time to “Brake Big Wind” before it breaks us.

Bill Myers



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