Serving Whitman County since 1877

Port receives grant from Department of Commerce

COLFAX — The Port of Whitman County was awarded a $200,000 grant on Wednesday, March 27, by the Washington State Department of Commerce towards its Alternative Energy Materials project.

The Port’s Alternative Energy Materials project is developing a clean hydrogen production material and manufacturing technology to produce advanced ceramic electrolyzers that use renewable power to make carbon neutral fuels and fertilizers.

“Whitman County currently lacks adequate facilities for researchers to pilot-scale engineering projects in areas such as bioproducts, hydrogen technology, and biofuels,” Port Executive Director Kara Reibold said.

Alternative Energy Materials Founder and Chief Engineer Dr. Dustin McLarty presented and highlighted their ongoing work at a Port Economic Development Informational Meeting in January and is currently developing a facility in Pullman to scale and prototype a clean hydrogen electrolyzer technology, VYZion.

The technology converts renewable electricity into clean fuel and green products in an ultra-compact solid-state system, increasing its energy value over sevenfold.

“AEM is excited to work with the Port of Whitman County to expand manufacturing capacity for advanced ceramic electrolyzers that use renewable power to make carbon neutral fuels and fertilizers,” Dr. McLarty said, adding that the grant will support facilities that can employ additional engineers and material scientists working to make a clean energy future.

“We identified AEM as the top local application for Whitman County and are excited that the Department of Commerce is supporting their facility development,” Riebold said, “Companies like AEM are critical to diversifying our area’s economy through their innovations and job creation.”

Grant funds will go towards an upgraded and expanded manufacturing space and a facility design for further expansion to scale the ceramic material productions enabling larger equipment demonstrations.

“Innovation is a hallmark of each of Washington state’s key growth industries. From aerospace and clean energy to agriculture and timber tech, eyeing the future and investing in emerging technologies keeps us globally competitive,” said Commerce Director Mike Fong. “These new grants will help to advance expansion of existing projects with potential to spur new economic growth and good jobs in communities throughout the state.”

The Evergreen Manufacturing Growth grants program aims to increase manufacturing and research and development jobs statewide through funding cutting-edge development work and business expansions.

Business that were interested submitted applications to their region’s Associate Development Organization, a designation that the Port of Whitman County received in 2023, which they then submitted to the State Department of Commerce for funding consideration.


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