Serving Whitman County since 1877

White House Murder

Series: Letters to the Editor | Story 36

This is my reply to Nancy from Cheney’s Letter in the edition of the Gazette of December regarding her wish for peace in Gaza, the Holy Land, especially this time of year. Well, if you remember there was a solid and joyful peace in Gaza that for once as everyone, both Israelis and Palestinians could, after so many years and so many political promises, was here to stay! It was created and enforced by non-politician and pro-business President of this County, Donald Trump who used our excess in oil production to force Arabs to the peace table.

Unfortunately, in 2020 one of the many socialist/communist advisors to Biden had him unknowingly sign-off and shut the pipeline which caused the following:

Iran started selling oil again and making money. With that money they resurrected their favorite terrorist group, Hamas whose sole purpose when created was and still is the destruction of Israel. With this money (very little of this Iranian revenue went to the starving Iranian people; just enough to keep them from revolting- like China) Hamas bought weapons mostly Chinese and Russian, and when they felt they had enough of both fighter and arsenal they attacked on almost an almost defenseless and certainly at peace Israel, killing over 1000 people. These college protesters had it wrong as usual (I had a prof. of G.U. who would have called them “educated dummies”) by protesting against the victim Israel and not the aggressor Hamas so Peggy, follow my trail back to the fool in the White House who is responsible. I’m sure the slaughter of all these innocent people, including the 60+ decapitated newborns, doesn’t keep he, she, or it from sleeping so soundly at night.

Denny McDonald



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