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All-State Volleyball Honors

Two Eagles, three Nighthawks and four Bulldogs

OAKESDALE - One month following the completion of the 2023 High School volleyball season, the Washington State Volleyball Coaches Association (WSVCA) has announced their All-State awards.

Awards were given out to each school classification in Washington. There were: First-Team, Second-Team, honorable mention, Player of The Year, and Coach of The Year.

In the 2B classification, five Colfax Bulldog athletes were recognized with All-State honors.

Senior setter Lauryn York was awarded with First-Team honors, and senior outside Hailey Demler was awarded with Second-Team All-State honors.

Junior outside Brenna Gilchrist and Junior middle blocker Ava Swan received All-State honorable mention honors.

In the 1B awards, senior Outside Payton Davis of Oakesdale won the Player of The Year award. She also received First-Team All-State honors.

Senior setter Samantha Holling received Second-Team All-State Honors.

Senior outside Brieyn Henley received Second-Team All-State Honors.

For the St. John-Endicott/LaCrosse Eagles, two athletes were recognized.

Senior outside Kaitlyn Hough received Second-Team All-State honors, and senior libero Cami Larsen received honorable mention.

"I'm very proud of them! Their hard work on and off of the court doesn't go unnoticed, by myself or other coaches in the 1B division! It's been an honor to coach both of them throughout their time as Wildcats and Eagles!" said Eagles head coach Jenn Johnson.

Also recognized were two Pullman Greyhounds.

Senior libero Lily McNannay and senior setter Gabby Oliver both received honorable mention honors for the Greyhounds.


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