Serving Whitman County since 1877

Sheriff's Log

COLFAX – The Whitman County Sheriff’s Office responded to the following calls from Sept. 12 – Sept. 17

Sept. 12

12:22 a.m.- North Madison Street, Tekoa. 911 call, no emergency.

9:46 a.m.- East Warren Street, Tekoa. Welfare check.

11:08 a.m.- Pullman Albion Road, Pullman. Trespassing.

11:14 a.m.- South Star Avenue, LaCrosse. Grass fire.

2:52 p.m.- Wawawai Road milepost 32, Clarkston. Wildland fire.

3:10 p.m.- North Mill Street, Colfax. Fingerprints.

3:14 p.m.- Wawawai Road milepost 36, Clarkston. Wildland fire.

5:33 p.m.- SR 195, Colfax. Controlled substance problem.

6:05 p.m.- Pullman Albion R...


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