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Former Endicott resident receives top doctor honor in magazine

Kleweno is an associate professor at the University of Washington

ENDICOTT - Former Endicott resident Dr. Conor Kleweno, M.D., 45, was named one of the top doctors in Orthopedic surgery for 2023 in the Seattle Magazine.

Kleweno is an orthopedic trauma surgeon. According to Kleweno he takes care of people when they break, primarily, their hips and pelvic bones.

Kleweno is an Associate Professor at UW. "I Work at Harbor View Medical Center," he said.

Dr. Kleweno grew up on a family wheat farm and cattle ranch outside Endicott and attended St. John Endicott High School.

Kleweno said there was an adjustment when he first went to college in terms of moving from a small town to a big city.

"I would say principles and ethics of the way I was raised and the culture of a small town has been helpful my entire life," he said. He added that the principles of hard work, honesty, and taking responsibility for your life are universal no matter the size of where you live.

"I was lucky to have the excellent support of parents who instilled in me these traits and principles," he said, adding that he'll always appreciate where he's from and how it shaped who he is today.

While attending college to get his B.S.E in Bioengineering at the University of Washington (UW) in Seattle from 1996 to 2001, Dr. Kleweno said he did some hospital shadowing and was exposed to the medical field.

Dr. Kleweno would then study for his Masters Degree at Harvard Medical School in Boston, Mass., from 2007-2012 continuing onto a fellowship for a year at the Orthopaedic Traumatology, Shock Trauma Center in Baltimore, Md. "After my fellowship, a job opened up at the University of Washington," he said, adding that it's his current position.


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