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Habitat for Humanity hosts wall raising for Palouse house

PALOUSE- Palouse Habitat for Humanity (HFH) held a wall-raising celebration for the Blair family home in Palouse at 109 West Park Street on Sunday, Sept. 10, at 2 p.m.

"Wall raisings are one of my favorite events, and it didn't disappoint," Executive Director of Palouse Habitat for Humanity Jennifer Wallace said.

The celebration started with a welcome by Palouse HFH Board of Directors Chair Cathy Blood and comments made by Construction Supervisor Nolan Corlett.

Wallace said they met some of the Blair family's relatives, who they look forward to seeing on the building site.

2023 Homeowner Kelsey Blair gave an introduction, and Blood gave a blessing.

The Blairs then did wall raising for their new home. After the celebration and wall raising, a reception was held on the site.

"It's just special to stop and take a minute to celebrate our work," Wallace said, adding that even though the ceremony was short, many stayed at least an hour and a half to an hour after visiting.

The volunteer group on-site regularly calls themselves the Codgers and were also at the ceremony.

Wallace said that this group is the backbone of the crew, "the Codger Crew is an amazing group of individuals, men, and women, mostly retirees, who come on a regular basis," she said, adding that some have been with them 15 years.

The Codgers are able, with their dedication and experience, to help with new volunteers, giving them meaningful experience and keeping them safe.

Wallace said that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Codger Crew continuously showed up and made it to where they could keep building. "They're a dedicated group, and they come out whenever they can," she said.

Habitat for Humanity is always looking for more volunteers, Wallace said, adding that someone might be a codger and don't know it yet.

By joining the volunteer team, Wallace said there is great camaraderie, everyone is supportive, and it's another way of building community.


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