Serving Whitman County since 1877

Hang gliders and paragliders celebrate 50 years

Group celebrates anniversary of first take-off, off butte

STEPTOE — Nearing the 50th anniversary of Steptoe Butte’s debut as a place for people to soar, many will take notice of the skies and see sites of hang gliders and paragliders.

Center of Lift, an unofficial chapter of the United States Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association (USHPA), will host its first public presentation with members flying from the peak of Steptoe Butte on Saturday, Sept. 9, and Sunday, Sept. 10.

The chapter is based out of Spokane and frequents many peaks around the state. Reports say they are eager to encourage participation in hang gliding and paragliding through public promotion and proper training in and around the area.

“It is roughly the 50th Anniversary of when Steptoe was used as a flight liftoff for the first time,” said Joshua George, member of Center of Lift. “Paragliding is a nonmotorized sport, and we usually go out to Steptoe because it offers a really unique opportunity for us.”

George stated that other organizations and clubs have been invited to the event.

“We fly out there frequently, and the most common question is, ‘Well, is it dangerous?’ We are looking to recruit some members that want to get trained and come out with us. It is just a pretty interesting sport to watch and see what it all entails,” he said.

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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