Serving Whitman County since 1877

Lucky hunters get extra shot

OLYMPIA – Some lucky hunters have an extra shot at obtaining additional permits this season.

According to the state Department of Fish and Wildife, hunters who previously bought a multi-season application will have a chance to buy a surplus permit.

The agency on Aug. 15 offered 129 multi-season elk tags to hunters who were already on the application list.

The winners were notified by email. The winning hunters will have until midnight Thursday, Aug. 31, to buy their tags.

An additional 2,491 multi-season deer tags are also available on a first-come, first serve basis. They went on sale Aug. 17.

There isn’t a purchase deadline for deer multi-season tags; they will remain for sale until the tag limit is reached or most of the deer hunting seasons are over.

Both deer and elk multi-season tags can be purchased online or at an authorized license dealer, or an agency regional office.

Hunters who want to buy a multi-season tag must have purchased a 2023 multi-season permit application. Hunters who already have a 2023 general season transport tag will need to surrender it to Fish and Wildlife or a license dealer within five days of purchasing a multi-season tag, per state law.

Multi-season deer tags are $139.10 and multi-season elk tags are $182. Tag costs are the same for residents and non-residents. Hunters with multi-season tags can hunt all three weapon choices (modern firearm, muzzleloader, and archery), season-permitting.


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