Serving Whitman County since 1877

District Court

Series: District Court Filings | Story 30

COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences from July 5 to July 6, 2023

• Riley Gavin was found guilty of two counts of Assault in the fourth degree, one domestic violence. Therefore, the defendant is sentenced to 364 days of jail, 350 suspended, and must serve a total of 14 days in jail with credit for 14 days served. Count one is a crime noted as assault in the fourth degree domestic violence. Therefore, the defendant shall have a biological sample collected for purposes of DNA identification analysis. If the defendant has already had a biological sample collected, the collecting agency may choose not to collect another sample. Defendant must report to the Whitman County Sheriff’s Office by July 21, 2023 to give a biological sample. Failure to give a biological sample is a gross misdemeanor. The defendant shall pay to the clerk of the court a criminal conviction fee of $43, a domestic violence assessment of $100, and other probation fees of $1,200. Defendant’s fines total $1,343 to be paid by October 31, 2023. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, with probation department and abide by all rules and regulations of probation department. No criminal violations of law or alcohol-related infractions. Defendant must obtain a substance use disorder evaluation from a Washington State approved agency and a certified domestic violence evaluation, and file a copy within thirty days. Begin recommended treatment or education within sixty days and file proof of timely enrollment and completion. Use no alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed controlled drugs, and abide by the domestic violence no contact order.

• Rachelle Marshall, was found guilty of driving under the influence BAC .10. Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 364 days of jail, 363 suspended, and a fine of $1,000, 0 suspended. Defendant must serve 1 day in jail with credit for 0 days served. Jail shall be arranged by the probation department and completed by the defendant within 60 days. Defendant has a total of $1,643 in fines due by May 31, 2025, and may perform community service in lieu of $1,000 of fines to be credited at the rate of $16 an hour and approved in advance by the probation department. Community service must be completed by July, 7, 2024. The defendant shall not drive a motor vehicle without a valid license. No criminal violations of law or alcohol related infractions, and comply with the rules and requirement of the Department of Licensing regarding the installation and use of a functioning ignition interlock device. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months, unsupervised for last 12 months if all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed. Defendant must obtain an expanded alcohol assessment from a Washington State approved agency and file a copy of the evaluation within 30 days with proof of timely enrollment and completion. Defendant must attend a DUI Victim Impact Panel within 3 months. Must not use or possess any non-prescribed controlled substances or illegal drugs, alcohol or marijuana, and submit to random alcohol/drug testing. Defendant’s privilege to drive in the State of Washington shall be suspended for 90 days to be set by WA Dept of Licensing. Defendant is ordered to not drive with a .02 BAC or higher or any active THC in their system for the full length of probation.


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