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Fireworks burn apartment building

COLFAX - Flames broke out late on Tuesday, July 4, as fireworks started in town.

A large fire started around 10 p.m. after fireworks were shot off too close to the 1018 S Mill Street apartment building.

The fire displaced several but did not injure any residents as a quick evacuation occurred.

"It started as a fire outside, and it quickly spread into the attic of the apartment building," said responding firefighter David Buckley of Colfax.

Buckley reports that the flames showed through the easement and peak of the roof by the time they received the message from dispatch.

"I know my apartment is no longer livable. I am staying with relatives. I started looking for new places in Pullman." said resident Zac Carlson. "I was in my living room sitting on the couch, and I opened up the window, and all I saw were flames."

Responders from all of District 11 arrived at the scene of the fire to assist.

"We had responders from the Colfax fire department and all of District 11, including Albion, Diamond, and Steptoe. The city of Pullman sent a fire investigator over the next morning," said Buckley.

Responders applied water from the outside as a crew navigated the fiery inside to get access into the attic to put out the blaze.

Carlson stated that the fire started during his neighbor's get-together celebration for the holiday.

"My neighbors were setting off fireworks out front on the lawn, and sparks from one of the fireworks caught one of the bushes on fire, and everything went up really quickly," he said. "The kids were setting off the fireworks and doing their thing outside. I talked to them for a few minutes and went up to my unit."

Carlson noted that the fire destroyed everything in his bedroom. In addition, the rest of the unit has significant water and smoke damage.

Carlson had the option to press charges but decided not to.

"I've got homeowners insurance," he said. "Accidents happen."

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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