Serving Whitman County since 1877

District Court Filings

Series: District Court Filings | Story 29

COLFAX — Whitman County District Court reported the following criminal conviction sentences from June 20 to June 30:

• Devin Bullard was found guilty of theft in the third degree, therefore the defendant is sentenced to a deferred sentence for 12 months, 30 days of jail, 29 suspended. The defendant has a fine of $500, $500 suspended, and one day in jail convertible to 8 hours community service. The defendant has a total of $368.844 in fines. Supervised probation for 12 months, unsupervised as soon as all essential requirements of the sentence have been completed and if payment of fines is completed. Defendant must attend a theft prevention course, within 45 days and file proof of timely enrollment and completion.

• Alex Kay, was found guilty of 2 counts of assault in the fourth degree domestic violence. Therefore the defendant is sentenced to 3 days in jail with credit for 3 days served. This crime is an offense which includes assault in the fourth degree domestic violence. Therefore, the defendant shall have a biological sample collected for purposes of DNA identification analysis. If t he defendant has already had a biological sample collected, the collecting agency may choose not to collect another sample. Defendant must report to the Whitman County Sheriff’s Office by Friday, July 7, at 2:59 p.m. to give a biological sample. Failure to give a biological sample is a gross misdemeanor. The defendant shall pay to the clerk of the court $50 a month, July through September of 2023 are waived, the first month where fees are due is October, 2023, totaling $1050. Defendant has supervised probation for 24 months with probation department and must abide by all rules and regulations. Must have no criminal violations of law or alcohol-related infractions, and obtain an evaluation from the STOP program in Spokane, Washington for domestic violence and comply with any recommended treatment. Defendant must not go to property of and have no contact with victim. Bail or bond is exonerated.


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