Serving Whitman County since 1877

Free swimming lessons offered in Whitman County

Whitman County Public Health provides funds

TEKOA — Whitman County Public Health is now providing funds to families seeking to enroll their children in swim lessons in a pilot program exclusive to Tekoa this summer.

The program is offered to children ages 0-17 in Whitman County and is completely free.

“It’s part of our safe kid program,” said Community Health Educator of Whitman County Health Department, Meghan Johns. “After the last few years, there have been some infant and toddler drownings. It’s hard to see how much they cost, and learning how to swim shouldn’t be determined by your income.”

Attendees must be residents of Tekoa. Lessons are five days a week, Monday through Friday. This program’s first session of swim lessons begins on July 17 and lasts through July 28. The deadline for the first session to signup is July 15.

The second session begins July 31 and lasts until August 11. The signup deadline is July 28.

Tekoa Pool offers four different classes for swim lessons, and each session of swim lessons will have all four classes.

Classes are split between ages 0-2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9 and older. Classes for 0-2-year-olds are required to be attended with a parent.

Contact Ziyon Marsh if interested at 509-319-9608 or register at the Tekoa pool front desk. Tekoa Pool is located at 399 Warren St, Tekoa.

“We are hoping for a grant for next year to open up in any community. Tekoa has been contacting me for the last few years, so that’s why I picked them,” Johns added.

Whitman County Health Department has made waves in creating a safe environment for children this year.

The department has recently installed four lifejacket stands across the county.

Lifejacket stands can now be found along the Snake River and Rock Lake at Voyer Park, Wawawai Landing, Blyton Landing, and Squally John.

“We want to try, educate and give that chance to rural communities is great. It’s our chance to help prevent drowning,” said Johns.

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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