Serving Whitman County since 1877


Pullman Regional Hospital

Pierson Thomas Dittmar, a boy, was born May 16, 2023, to parents Tyler Dittmar and Morgan Reynolds, of Colfax. He weighed 7 pounds. Paternal Grandparents are Tom and Julie Dittmar, of Yakima. Maternal Grandparents are Bill and Bobbi Reynolds, of Colfax. Pierson joins brother Adler, 17 months, at home.

Quinn Emery Bailey-Green, a boy, was born May 11, 2023, to parents Emma and Chris Bailey-Green, of Pullman. Paternal Grandparents are Ronald and Mary Greene, of Cincinnati, Ohio. Maternal Grandparents are Lynn Averbeck and Douoglas Bailey, Portland, Ore. Quinn joins brother Forrest, 3, at home.

Callaghan Cade Riebold, a female, was born May 20, 2023, to parents Shane and Callie Rae Riebold, of Colfax. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Paternal Grandparents are Tom and Susie Riebold, of Colfax. Maternal Grandparents are Valerie Wells and Chad Fleming, of LaCrosse.


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