Serving Whitman County since 1877

Gazette welcomes two new staff members

Thompson returns from school in Syracuse, New York; Hull is a recent WSU graduate

COLFAX - Two reporters joined the staff of the Gazette this week, one new and one returning.

Jake Hull, 22, of Vancouver, Wash., began working at the Gazette Tuesday, May 9. He graduated May 6 from Washington State University, majoring in Multimedia Journalism with a minor in sport communication.

Reid Thompson, 21, of Potlatch, Idaho, began his second summer as an intern reporter for the Gazette on May 15.

Hull will be reporting on Colfax and Whitman County, including primarily sports and events in the local area.

Hull grew up in Vancouver, Wash., where he excelled in writing classes and assignments at Hockinson High School. He has always loved to write, and is excited for the opportunity that the Gazette offers.

During his time at WSU, he spent two years working as a sports reporter for the student paper, The Daily Evergreen. While with the Evergreen, he was mainly the beat writer for the baseball team. He also dabbled in writing for the: football team, men's and women's basketball team, swim, and was the beat reporter for the women's soccer team.

"I loved working with the Evergreen. It was a great way to get a head start into the sports journalism world."

He has experience working with media and digital film through his classes at WSU.

"I remember one class with Kanale Rhoaden. It was my first in-person class since the COVID-19 pandemic. It was a one-credit broadcast production class where we spent five weeks learning about broadcast equipment and how to use them. That class helped me learn what it was like to be a writer, producer, camera operator, and director."

Whitman County Gazette Manager Justin Slayton noted that, "We are thrilled to have such a profiecent sports journalist join the team. Jake's experience at the Daily Evergreen and his work in school is reflective in his excellent writing. I am excited to see how the community embraces the new blood on the staff."

Thompson recently concluded his third year of studies at Syracuse University in New York, where he majors in international affairs and journalism.

"My time at the Gazette last summer made me realize how important local news can be for rural communities," said Thompson, "it was an experience that no amount of schoolwork could provide."

Last summer, Thompson's reporting coveraged included the Oakesdale's Old Mill Days, wildfires in the Rock Lake region, and the local and statewide election primaries.

This past school year, Thompson made use of his experience at the Gazette by taking on editorial positions on campus and taking additional journalism courses.

"At the beginning of last summer, I had doubts in my mind as to whether journalism was the right track for me," said Thompson, "but after seeing just how impactful this work can be, I knew it was my calling."

Whitman County Gazette Manager Justin Slayton added, "I did not get the chance to work with Reid last year when he was interning, but I've only heard great things about him from our staff and community members, with several asking if we were going to have him back this year. I look forward to seeing what we are able to accomplish this summer as a new team. With this many talended writers on staff, hopefully we can do Whitman County proud in all aspects of our work."

In the coming weeks, Thompson intends to finish work on a visitors' guide for Whitman County, contribute to the Veteran's Corner, and foster deeper relationships in the community.

Thompson can be contacted at

Hull can be contacted at


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