Serving Whitman County since 1877

AgTech OS Biodiesel Plant

Land for Biodiesel Plant in Whitman County still sought

COLFAX — Former private partner to the Port of Whitman County AgTech OS continues to seek land to develop a biodiesel plant in Whitman County, confirmed Ag Tech OS CEO Ernest Spicer.

Spicer stated they would discuss some alternative sites in the next few weeks.

In February AgTech OS had planned to establish a biodiesel facility to convert canola grain, purchasing approximately 100,000 tons per year from local farmers, into sustainable fuels for agricultural operations. Projections of the facility included producing 10.8 million gallons of B100 pure biodiesel, 60,000 tons of seed meal, and 900,000 gallons of Propanediol per year.

AgTech OS had been a private partner in the Port of Whitman’s process to rezone 88 acres on SW old Wawawai Road in Pullman for an Industrial Research Park, announcing Tuesday, March 21, that they started seeking an alternate location for their biofuel facility.

“We’re still dedicated to the Palouse region,” Spicer said, noting that they’ve gotten much more interest from farmers.

On Monday, April 24, Spicer was headed to a meeting in Colfax to discuss finding land to develop.

“We’re going to discuss a couple of zoning possibilities, so hopefully, we can stay in the county,” he said.

Spicer added that they’d probably know about possible land in the next week or two.

“We want to make sure we have our conversations,” he said, noting that they have to look at all the codes for the county as they look at different sites.

Spicer said they are looking forward to helping drive Canola in the area.


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