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Youthful vigor hits the House

COLFAX - The Mockonema 4-H club and families did their annual community service project and cleaned up the Perkins House yard to prepare for the Perkins Reunion in June, Sunday, April 16.

Outreach coordinator for the Perkins House Jill Gfeller explained that the club chose the House as the project because it's family-friendly and serves their 4-H motto "Helping your club, community, country, and world."

Coordinators of the project included the new heads of staff for the House, Ronda, and Andrew Penwell, as well as 4-H leaders Rob and Heather Lustig and Neil and Liz Appel.

Kids of all ages and their parents raked, hauled, dug, and planted.

"The yard reminded one of a busy ant hill with energy everywhere," Gfeller said, adding that the club helped the Perkins garden team fill a horse trailer and pickups with yard debris.

The Colfax community regularly uses the Perkins House yard for Easter egg hunts, frisbee time, picnics, and receptions and weddings.

The Perkins House also holds functions throughout the year, Gfeller explained.

She noted that the yard must look its best and is safe.

"With the strength of small and big hands, we all can see what they achieved this year and shout out with thanks from all of us involved at the House, as well as our Colfax community," she said.


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