Serving Whitman County since 1877

Port of Whitman County employees retire after 26 years of service

Port hosts Open House for Debbie Snell and Joe Poire

COLFAX - Port of Whitman's Properties and Development Director, Debbi Snell, and Special Projects, Joe Poire are retiring after 26 years working at the Port.

The Port will be hosting a retirement sendoff and Open House, Thursday, Dec. 1, from noon until 2:30 p.m. at the Port of Whitman offices located at 302 North Mill Street.

Snell has been responsible for managing all of the property leases for the Port, and does project management, she noted that there were two big projects that she worked on in her career, "I helped Poire launch the ports telecommunication program, and I also lead on the rehabilitation of the Port of Whitman business air center."

Poire has worked on broadband studies in the last year, "There's quite a bit of activity since Covid for communities to get telecommunications," Poire said, noting that people needed access to the internet to work from home, "That really heightened the interest, and different communities have applied for grants to have studies done for what would be the best way for their communities to access the internet." Poire worked on those studies.

Both Snell and Poire have found their 26 years working at the Port rewarding. For Snell working on the airport was the project she was most proud of, "We've took the airport on from the county, and we've rebuilt," Snell said, noting that they've encouraged private and public investment.

"Its been a very rewarding career," Poire said, "I feel very blessed for having the opportunity to work there," noting that there is really great people, and the Port does great things for the community.

"It is a job that when looking back over the years you can see the things we've built," Snell said, "and the things we've accomplished have made a difference in the lives of people living in Whitman County.

After retirement Poire will go back east to see his daughter, "she lives in Boston," Poire said.

Snell is excited to retire, "I'll miss my colleagues here at the port," she said, "I've been working here for a long time," she noted that she wanted to give a huge thank you to the Port for a great 26 years.


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