Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Ol' Days

Series: Good Old Days | Story 23

125 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Friday, November 12, 1897


John F. Fisher, a Cook, Wanders Aimlessly About the Fields

A sudden and unaccountable disappearance of John F. Fisher and dold resident of Colfax, created consternation in his family and among his many friends on Thursday evening of last week. After wandering about for two cold, stormy nights and a day in the fields and bluffs north of town, Fishwer was found and returned to his home, uninjured except from a hard fall over a bluff which badly hurt his back.

Fisher had been cooking for a threshing outfit which on Thursday was pulling into town. At the head of Buck's canyon, three miles from the city, he got out of the cook house, telling the driver he would walk in and started across the fields, promising to meet the outfit in town and prepare their supper. From that moment he disappeared. His mind must have then deserted him because of overwork and a partial sunstroke received last summer. Upon his return to his home Fisher simply said that he was lost and unable to find his way. He has now regained his normal condition.

100 Years Ago

From the Colfax Commoner, Friday, November 10, 1922


Large Number of Citizen to Accompany Members of Legion

The Whitman County Legion will celebrate Armistice day this year at Oakesdale. The members of the Cadd-French post, together with their relatives and friends, will attend the clebration in a body and they will be accompanied by a large number of the citizens of this city.

The Oakesdale post, together with the business men and citizens of t hat city, have been working on the plans for the celbration for the last two months and they have provided entertainment for the vistors during t he day and big dance will be held in the evening. The Armistice day celebration is held under the auspices and general supervision of the American legions posts of the ocunty and every section of the county will be well represented.

75 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette-Commoner, November 14, 1947

Lamont Couple Celebrates 50th Wedding Anniversary

Mr. and Mrs . A. L. Phelps, who were married at Wentworth, S. D., November 1, 1897, came west a few years later and since 1925 have operated a general store at Lamont. Their Golden Wedding was observed Sunday, November 2, at their home when friends from far and near came to wish them well, 125 signing the guest book. Their only child, Harold J. Phelps, Spokane, and his wife were host for the event. –Photo by Alden

50 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Thursday November 9, 1972

State drug coordinator will address mental health meet

Ralph C. Rideout, coordinator of the drug abuse program for Washington, will be the speaker at the annual meeting of the Whitman County Mental Health association in Pullman Nov. 14, according tothe Rev. Elmer Church of Colfax, president.

Rideout, who was appointed to the state human affairs council in charge of drug prevention programs by Gov. Dan Evans, will conduct a seminar on drug prevention from 2 to 5 p.m. at the county mental health center in Pullman.

25 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, November 13, 1997

Getting ready for the holidays

Evelyn Hickman ties a bow on a finished package of fruitcake in the Hill-Ray kitchen. Whitman Hospital Auxiliary members made fruitcakes last week as a fundraiser for the benefit of the Whitman Hospital and Medical Center. Members estimate they made about 400 pounds of fruitcakes. The cake is available from auxiliary members and the Blue Bird Gift Shop at the Hospital.

10 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, November 8, 2012

Below, Taylor Larsen of Colfax unloads one of her power serves against Davenport in the regional semi-final match at West Valley. Larsen hit 22-22 serves in the title match against Reardan.


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