Serving Whitman County since 1877
Chief Krouse fell in the line of duty Aug. 28, 2021
COLFAX – Late Colfax Fire Chief Jim Krouse will be honored in two upcoming events this month.
Krouse, who fell in the line of duty August 28, 2021, was Colfax’s longtime fire chief.
At 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Aug. 10, the Colfax Fire Department will bestow a ceremonial ribbon in honor of Krouse to the International Association of Firefighters Motorcycle Group.
The ceremony is expected to take 15 minutes, and will occur in front of the Colfax Fire Station, 400 N. Mill St.
The motorcycle group will then transport the ribbon to North Bend to take part in the Washington State Fallen Firefighters Memo...
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