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Drought declaration lifted in Eastern Washington

OLYMPIA— The state Department of Ecology has canceled the drought declaration for Eastern Washington due to the second-wettest May-through-June here since 1895.

No part of the state is experiencing drought conditions, and water supply conditions have been better, confirms an ecology news release from July 19.

A drought can be declared when water supplies in an area are below 75% of normal with expectations of undue hardship.

The Colville River at 86% of normal, the lowest streamflow forecast, is above that threshold the agency said. Some forecasts are much higher.

Cool weather during spring and early summer preserved snowpack, which made it last into the summer, supporting late-summer water supply needs according to Jeff Marti, Ecology’s statewide drought coordinator.

“Conditions have improved. All areas of the state, including the five watersheds specified in the drought declaration, have received significantly above-normal precipitation,” Marti said. “The outlook is much better than forecast back in May.”

Conditions this year are opposite of spring 2021, which was the second-driest on record. A late-June heat wave last year smashed state temperature records.

In July 2021 Ecology issued an emergency drought declaration covering 96% of the state. Seattle, Everett and Tacoma having ample water storage escaped the drought designation.

Wetter temperatures brought relief to the state by May of this year, but some of Eastern Washington hadn’t recovered from 2021’s severe conditions leading Ecology to extend the drought declaration for five eastern Washington watersheds. Weather that doubled the usual amount of rain in June followed.

“Conditions have been anything but drought-like,” Marti said. “We’ve experienced one of the wettest, coldest springs in recent memory. While the ‘Juneuary’ put a damper on gardening and outdoor activities, it provided a dramatic recovery for water supplies.”


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