Serving Whitman County since 1877

Good Ol' Days

125 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Friday, June 25, 1897

Scaffold Be Erected Immediately No Appeal Yet

Sheriff Sims states that the erection of the gallows upon which he designs to hang Leonard on July 2, will be begun today (Friday). It is his intention to erect the gallows in the lot directly north of the jail, and the platform will be built sufficiently high so that it can be seen from the hillside to the east. The rope for the execution is being made at the penitentiary jute mill. The execution will be witnessed by officers of the law, members of the medical profession and representatives of the press. Sheriff Sims says Leonard feels confident that he will never be hanged. His attorneys have not as yet attempted to appeal his case to the U.S. supreme court.

100 Years Ago

From the Colfax Commoner, Friday, June 23, 1922

Fire Breaks Out Sunday

A fire broke out Sunday near the Colfax Ice and Fuel yards and the firemen with the truck responded to the alarm which was turned in about five o'clock. The blaze was confined to a small area and did very little damage. The prompt and efficient work of the firemen enabled them to leave the scene of the fire in a very short time.

75 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette-Commoner, Friday, June 20, 1947

In one of the stellar attractions Sunday afternoon "My Girl," owned by Fay Hubbard, Moscow, and ridden by Ken Barney, Arlee, Mont., leaped over an automobile. The mare is the one that doubled for the wonder horse in the movie, "National Velvet." Hubbard, who has figured in many a roundup, calls the Palouse country his home.

50 Years Ago

From the Colfax Gazette, Thursday, June 22, 1972

Lawmen raid rooster fight

Law officers Saturday night confiscated six roosters at Palouse after raiding an alleged rooster fight session there. Chief Criminal Deputy Gary D. Lackey said deputies were first notified of the incident by a disturbance call.

Lackey said an estimated 35 to 40 persons were at the event although the crowd began to scatter after the first lawman arrived. Other evidence was taken at the scene, he said.

Prosecutor Faris said charges were filed Wednesday in Pullman district court. Those arrested are charged with being "present at the fighting, chasing, worrying and injuring" of roosters.

Deputies Lackey, Ed Nelson and Dalton Lewey along with Chief Paul Webb at Palouse took the roosters into custody.

25 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, June 26, 1997


Foundation hosts luncheon

Whitman County Hospital Foundation June 13 conducted a luncheon meeting for several guests to underline the purpose and history of the foundation. Dr. Robert Tulin of Colfax outlined the background of the foundation which was founded in 1989 and has developed a fun of $150, 000 to underwrite hospital development. The goal of the foundation is to raise $500,000 in the next several years.

In addition to the fund, the foundation has assisted in capital projects, the latest being the therapy pool project in the new physical therapy building.

Jone Kehne, acting president, outlined the harvest festival and led a discussion of other fund raising opportunities. The festival, which will begin with a letter in July, asks farmers to put aside bushes or donations for the foundation.

10 Years Ago

From the Whitman County Gazette, Thursday, June 21 2012

Colfax problem solvers compete at Bloomington

A Colfax truck and tanker were dispatched at about 7 a.m. Monday morning with a report of a fire along the Snake River at Almota. The fire covered an area of approximately 100 yards, according to Assistant Chief Jim Krouse. Fire crews from the Pullman rural district and Onecho/Wilcox also responded to the scene.

An ambulance crew responded at 2:46 p.m. Saturday to the locks at Lower Granite Dam on the Snake River to transport a passenger who had been injured in a fall aboard a cruise boat. The man was taken to Whitman Hospital in Colfax.

The cruise boat stopped at the lock to rendezvous with the ambulance crew after the passenger was injured while the boat was traveling downstream.

Author Bio

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Reid Thompson is an intern reporter at the Whitman County Gazette. Reid is enrolled at Syracuse University, where he studies journalism and international relations.

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