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Colfax golfer getting ready for fall tournament

Gary Libey won a 'parody' check, green coat last year

COEUR d'ALENE, Idaho – Organizers say the annual International Toy Boys Golf Tournament and Retreat will take place again this fall.

Prior to the coronaviurs shutdowns, the event occurred each May.

But when shutdown orders were lifted, the golf event moved to a fall schedule.

Gary Libey of Colfax, won the 25th annual event last year at Rockford Bay.

The golf tournament and retreat were originally organized by several international toy salesmen from the northwest to gather and exchange sales data for their businesses, Libey said.

"We aren't playing for real money. Just for fun," he said. "It's fun to have some sort of reality like the masters tournament. It's just a bit of humor for older people that are trying to have a fun time together."

As technology changed and attendance decreased, the sales group decided to expand and allow up to 16 guests by an open audition competition.

This brings in a new rotation of guests each year.

Libey was one of four new guests from the auditions qualified to attend.

The winner each year is chosen by a secret committee which includes Whitman County locals Gary Smich, Reed Smith, and Dan Felton.

"The money wasn't really 'real' money," Libey said. "It was a parody check. The green coat is a parody coat, too. It's just a tradition that the winner gets the green coat."

The winner is invited back for the next competition to give the coveted green coat and check to the next year's winner.

"I have to be there to present the green coat to the next winner. I got to hold onto the green coat. I wear it for special occasions," he said.

"I hope I do well next time I am invited to play. Life has gone on as usual. I am still a bad golfer and I hope to be better someday. It's pretty fun.

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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