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Oakesdale couple celebrates 50 years together

OAKESDALE - A local couple is celebrating 50 years of marriage.

Dennis Conrad, 72, and his wife, Joeva Conrad, 86, married June 3, 1972, in Moscow, Idaho.

The couple will be the guest of honor at a 2-4 p.m. celebration Sunday, June 5, with their three surviving children and 19 great-grandchildren.

The reception is open to family and friends at the Palouse Community Center.

Dennis originally grew up in Castleford, Idaho, and Joeva grew up in Moscow, Idaho.

The Conrads met in 1970 at work.

The two both drove a school bus for Moscow and were married two years later.

Joeva was a mother of four teenagers when they met; she said their first date was something memorable.

"For our first actual date, he called to ask what I was doing on a Friday night," Joeva said. "He took myself and my four teenagers to John Wayne theater and after we went and had banana splits. The kids just thought he was neater than peanut butter."

"I met Joeva at work. After we married, I worked for Farmers Home Administration for over a year and then worked in autosales for 44 years," Dennis said.

Joeva would continue a career in transportation. She drove a school bus and charter bus for more than 40 years as a side job while certifying in dietary management.

"A lot of faith, a lot of stress, and a lot of work brought us this far. But we work together and that's what carried us through," Joeva said.

The couple retired about three years ago when their oldest daughter got sick due to complications of diabetes.

The couple moved around a lot and are planning to travel more.

They now reside in Oakesdale and their large family stays close to home.

"They all live in the northwest. We have eight grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren," Joeva said.

The Conrad's spend a lot of time viewing their great-grandchildren's sporting events and traveling.

A religious pair, the Conrad's credit their success as a couple to their faith.

"I think first of all, our belief in God helped us through. For any married couple, there are going to be some difficult times. But when you have God to rely on, it helps a lot," Dennis said.

"I think another thing is being patient with one another. Because an adjustment for two people just starting out is always a bit of a challenge."

"As we look back, 50 years sounds like a lot of years, but really it's gone by pretty quickly."

Author Bio

Olivia Harnack, Editorial Reporter

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Olivia Harnack is a Journalist at the Whitman County Gazette. Olivia is enrolled at University of Idaho and is majoring in digital film studies. She serves in the United States Army National Guard and is proud to serve Whitman County.

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