Serving Whitman County since 1877

100 years ago, Friday May 26, 1922


Poppies are to be sold in each state during the week May 22 27, to assist the war veterans to develop the service bureaus, which help former soldiers, in filing their claims for compensation, insurance and vocational training. These little flowers to everyone.

The tendency is strong to forget the needs and difficulties of the veterans. When they departed, they left amid scenes of the wildest enthusiasm. They were great heroes then, and the townspeople quit their ordinary tasks to assemble at the railroad stations and give the departing fellows a roaring send off. The bands were playing then, many tears were falling, and we all vowed that these boys would never be forgotten.

They came back one by one, may crippled for life, other with physical defects that will alwyas be a handicap. But the enthusiasm was gone. The anxieties of that time had disappeared, people had become interested in other things. There were friendly handshakes for the soldiers, but there was a tendency to hand out a few kind words and then turn them over to the government and forget about them. It can’t be wondered that many of them have turned bitter, and feel that the American people have shown a yellow streak.

When they make an appeal like this for poppy week, every one should take hold and help. They should have all assistance in pushing their claims, as they can not possibly get enough from the government to make up for their sacrifices.

So let everyone buy poppies. They are forever associated with the grand record of sacrifice and achievement that the soldiers made in France. Their deep red hue reminds one of the gladness with which many thousands of our dear boys shed their blood in defense of their country’s honor.


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