Serving Whitman County since 1877

Letter insults shutdown opponents

Series: Letters to the Editor | Story 2

Two weeks ago, a reader not only attacked Publisher Roger Harnack, but also insulted those of us who agreed with his comments and were actually encouraged by them.

During prohibition, speakeasies were where Americans went for their alcoholic beverages. Lucky for many of us, the freedom to enjoy the drink of our choice was restored after 13 years of the so-called evil speakeasies.

The double standard has once again shown his ugly face.

Riots, violence and protests were recently praised and encouraged by the same people who now chastise us for speaking out against the obvious removal of many of our freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution.

Many of us in the Palouse do not agree with the writers contentions that “your stance endangers public safety” or “the economy cannot prosper as long as this pandemic rages”. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence that refutes both of these statements.

Early on, President Trump commented that he hoped the cure would not be worse than the virus. Well, I believe many would agree with me that this is definitely the case.

Steve Jones,



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