Serving Whitman County since 1877

W.H.E.A.T. seeks zone change at LaCrosse site

Whitman County commissioners have set a public hearing for a requested zone change at LaCrosse for W.H.E.A.T (We Honor Every American Troop). The change would create a new limited light industrial zone on a two-acre property with an existing building.

W.H.E.A.T. purchased the property from Herron Trucking Company last October with plans to use it as a place to pack care packages to send overseas to U.S. military members.

“There won't be much impact in terms of traffic or otherwise,” said Katrin Kunz, assistant county planner.

“It's basically a warehouse,” said Alan Thomson, Whitman County planner. “And you can't do that in an ag district. We looked, and nothing fit with what they were doing, so they need a zone change.”

The hearing is set for Feb. 3 at 11 a.m.


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