Serving Whitman County since 1877


And then there's the Californians.

We used to camp, hunt, fish, shoot, swim and ride horses, bikes and motorcycles and take road trips all over the place. And we didn't burn down the forest or leave our trash all over the place. Now when we go to those places we can't do anything except pay to park and look at the scenery. If we try to do any of the above activities someone comes and rousts us and says "you can't be here." Nazis.

They moved here to get away from the B.S., but they brought it here with them!

And horses. My dad and uncle used to have horses right here in Endicott, Washington, in town! In fact, my Dad was the last one to have a horse inside the town limits legally.

You think you made it better? Better for who? Better for you, maybe, because you don't know any better. You imposed a bunch of rules, regulations and restrictions on everything, raised taxes and the cost of living for everyone.

You're like the illegal aliens that you let in here who, instead of integrating into their new home, want to make it like the place they moved from. I give you Othello and Yakima for examples.

Don't get me started.

--Timothy Thompson, Endicott


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