Serving Whitman County since 1877


In response to Mike Largent’s recent letter I’ll take the opportunity to explain Mike’s failure to fully explain circumstances of two (2) commissioner meetings.

The first meeting regarding waste/trash, right-of-way encroachment, junk cars and failure to meet zoning requirements in Steptoe was on 4 Sept. 18.

Steptoe was zoned in 1980 by commissioners Henning, Henley and Boone.

The zoning was reviewed by the current commissioners in 2015.

Discussion points were: Art Swannack stated he had discussed the problem with a number of Steptoe residents. When he was asked how many, he could not state the number. My reply was we needed to approach the silent majority.

Largent stated without hesitation, and with rancor, that the county would not police private property. Seems he is the sole authority.

The discussion continued with the undersigned stating, “If we could get 150 signatures from a number of small unincorporated towns would the county consider the problem?”

Chairman Kinzer stated they would.

On 22 Oct. 18 I met with the commissioners again. After presenting the 150-plus signatures to Mr. Kinzer, some 20 minutes of discussion was had with the prosecutor, sheriff, planning and public works present. Mike Largent did not say a word, thus his possible confusion in not considering the first meeting.

The 150-plus original signatures, came from Steptoe, St. John, Colfax, Thornton, Malden, Rosalia, Tekoa, Garfield, Pine City and Lamont and rural areas between. Chairman Kinzer stated that discussion of matters would be conducted in a number of work shops.

So, not to miss the point, the zoned areas in Steptoe are rural community residential (RCR), commercial, and some combination of the two. The junk cars, trash and encroachment are within rural community residential areas. The commercial areas are adjacent to Highway 195 and a mix along Steptoe Street. In addition to Steptoe, Hay and Thornton are other zoned unincorporated towns.

Thornton is horribly neglected by the county.

Both meetings are part of the public record and can be reviewed as permitted by the commissioner’s clerk office.

--Kirk Suess, Palm Desert, Calif.


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